
Chelsea Whipple

I've lived a life being unsure of how to describe myself and understanding my world based on others around me. So I'm new to this game of About Me. When I finally learn maybe I will write that here or maybe it will change before I get that chance.

What I can say is that I love to laugh, learn, stop and notice, find the extraordinary in the ordinary, and get taken aback every time I see sun rays shining through the clouds. The few words I describe myself are a teacher, practitioner, spiritual director, and pilgrim.

I've journeyed through some places but now anchored in the fields of grain that flow gently with the breeze, the sense of pride when I see a four-leaf clover, and the everyday life of raising three kids.

I'm blessed to be married to a wonderful partner who allows me to explore the real me, whether that is on retreats far away physically or spiritually in my prayer space.